Indonesia at a glance
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, with more than 17,000 islands (although only about a third are inhabited). If we were to lay Indonesia over a map of the U.S., Indonesia’s width from Sumatra to Papua would stretch from West Coast to East Coast.
Even so, Indonesia differs from the U.S. in many ways. Of this vast area, 84% consists of water, with the Indian Ocean on the west and the Pacific Ocean on the east. The majority of people live on the western side of Indonesia, so most development has occurred there, leaving the eastern part behind.
As someone who grew up in the eastern side, in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) province, I experienced firsthand how this lag in development led to fewer opportunities and greater challenges. As in many developing areas of the world, education is seen as a powerful tool for social mobility and empowerment. Unfortunately, limited access to high-quality education in eastern Indonesia hinders millions of students’ academic progress and future prospects.
Talents are abundant, but opportunity is scarce. However, I want to share one of the most inspiring strategies from an Indonesian school named Sekolah Lentera Harapan (SLH) Gunung Moria. This school actively seeks to provide better education for many students from remote areas in Papua, Indonesia’s easternmost province.
Sekolah Lentera Harapan (SLH) Gunung Moria
Before saying more about SLH, I need to back up and share about a related organization. Yayasan Pendidikan Pelita Harapan (YPPH) is a well-known education foundation that runs one of Indonesia’s most prominent Christian school systems. YPPH serves many Christian school communities in big cities and remote areas of Indonesia, including Papua Island. With Papua’s complex topography, many of these remote schools can be reached only by plane. With little to no access to electricity and other supporting infrastructure, it is definitely hard to sustainably provide students there with high-quality education.
With the commitment to providing excellent Christian education to Papuan students, YPPH established another educational foundation—Yayasan Pendidikan Papua Harapan (Papua Harapan)—to improve Papuan students’ quality of education. The formal collaboration among Papua Harapan, students’ families, and their community members provided opportunities for Papuan students from elementary to high school levels to relocate to YPPH’s boarding school in the western side of Indonesia, a school later named SLH Gunung Moria. This move allowed students to benefit from a more structured learning environment, experienced teachers, and a comprehensive range of extracurricular activities.
“It is only by God’s grace alone that we were all called to participate in this process of preparing the younger generation to be leaders who fear God.”
Mr. Beta Mualiman Laoli, SLH Gunung Moria’s former head of school
In addition, upon receiving their high school diploma, students at SLH Gunung Moria will be encouraged to pursue higher education; some full-ride scholarships are available for those interested in becoming teachers, nurses, doctors, or pastors. The idea is that upon completing their education, these students will return to their home community and contribute to its development. Hopefully, with the knowledge and skills these students have acquired, these committed Christian leaders will live out their calling and bring positive changes to their villages.
Understandably, this relocation for education was challenging for everybody. This process was undoubtedly complex, especially for students who had to adapt to a new culture and lifestyle along with different academic expectations. However, by the grace of God and support from different parties, this school is about to have its first graduating cohort in Spring 2025.
Recently, I had the chance to return home to Indonesia. I had the pleasure of talking with Mr. Beta Mualiman Laoli, SLH Gunung Moria’s former head of school, formerly one of the teachers in a remote school in Papua. Reflecting on this journey, he shared, “It is only by God’s grace alone that we were all called to participate in this process of preparing the younger generation to be leaders who fear God, and we are thankful to witness God’s merciful work through SLH Gunung Moria.”
Parting thoughts
I have been blessed through my research experience and professional work to learn from Indonesian school leaders and school leaders across the globe. Every such encounter affirms that the God who called us to this educational ministry is a faithful God. No circumstances are beyond His reach, and He can use anything or anybody for His divine purpose.
As in the broader body of Christ, we are all called to play different roles in advancing God’s kingdom through Christian education. Some of us are called to administrative positions, some to educate young minds in the classroom, and still others to research Christian education. Whatever our roles are, may we all be faithful since God, who has called us, is faithful.
I am thankful for the opportunity to share this inspiring story from Indonesia, and I look forward to hearing more of God’s beautiful stories from around the world.
“And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28