Steward Leadership and Christian Schools

Paul NealThe CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

As one considers a relationship between Steward leadership and experience within an organization, there seems to be a connection. Steward leadership approaches to decision-making is evidenced in the way school leaders operate with their leadership team and in leadership team meetings.

Thinking About Mission Statements

Paul NealThe CACE Roundtable1 Comment

Mission Statement sign outside of a Christian School Building

Times of crisis and change often present organizations an opportunity to revisit their mission. Our current climate of pandemic and cultural conflict is just such a time. How ought our mission statement help us stay on mission and our mission drive our actions through these challenges?

Conflict and Teams

Paul NealThe CACE Roundtable1 Comment

How can conflict increase creativity among teams? Teams are tasked with solving a problem (or problems), and creativity can provide the team with more options, and more viable options can solve problems. So, what is the relationship between creativity and conflict? Research literature discusses the impact that conflict has and whether conflict is positive or negative. So, the real question isn’t “is there a relationship?” But rather, “what is the relationship?”

Thoughts on Teams

Paul NealThe CACE Roundtable1 Comment


Regardless of the purpose or setting, effective teams have certain things in common. A successful team is not only more productive and more likely to accomplish the objectives, but the task is more gratifying and more likely to draw people into teamwork again.

Leading as a Steward

Paul NealThe CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

If Christian schools require their leaders to act as stewards, it is useful to think about what exactly a Steward Leader is. It is easy to think that Steward Leadership is just a Christian version of Servant Leadership, a concept familiar to many of us. However, once explored, one can see significant and fundamental differences. What anchors Steward Leadership is … Read More

Favorability & Opportunity with Catholic Families for Christian Schooling: Are We Missing a Receptive Audience?

Paul NealThe CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

In April 2018, Charter Oak Research, conducted a national survey on Christian parents of school age children. The research explored favorability toward Christian school options. This research focused on evangelical protestant options and school profiles – descriptions were clearly noted as such for respondents. The sample included both protestant and catholic respondents and they were segmented by this self identification … Read More

Thinking About Missions and Christian Schooling

Paul NealThe CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

I’ve recently been studying the modern missionary movement (date range of the 19th and 20th centuries) in preparation for a few articles and upcoming conference presentations. While learning more about the phenomenon of modern missions, I noticed some parallels and interesting implications for Christian schools. Was the modern missions movement of the 20th century the result of progress or an … Read More

The Real Cost of Marketing Research

Paul NealThe CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

We live in a world where, when we wonder why something is the way it is or want an answer to a relatively trivial question, we have the ability to find the answer rather quickly. Our expectation is that these curiosities can and should be answered almost immediately. This has contributed to expectations around market research that may be both … Read More