Big Footsteps To Follow

Jennifer ThompsonHonoring the Good Work of Dan Beerens, The CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;
though he may stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

Psalm 37:23-24

It is an exciting time in the world of Christian education. Many schools are experiencing enrollment growth. New schools are starting up in states where parent/school choice has brought the option of Christian education to more families. Innovative and alternative educational experiences are being offered.

This advancement didn’t happen by chance. It has taken committed educators, thinkers, innovators, and dreamers to lead the way. I consider myself blessed and incredibly honored that one of them, Dan Beerens, is a friend and an advisor. His path in and through Christian education has left big footprints. With full reliance on his Savior, Dan generously leads and encourages others to step forward boldly, just like he did.

Always time

“If it wasn’t for Dan, I wouldn’t still be involved in Christian education.” So said a close friend recently. Several years ago, at somewhat of a crossroads, he met Dan for the first time. A conversation started (perhaps more of a counseling session?), and after almost three hours, a new friendship was born. The acute impact of those hours on the life of that Christian leader has had a domino effect on the world of Christian education. A renewal of purpose and commitment to innovation has filtered down to hundreds of school leaders.

The Gospels share stories of Jesus simply being intently present with people. Many times, no words were spoken, yet just his presence impacted lives deeply. Jesus saw people and listened in. Likewise, I have experienced for myself, heard from others, and even observed Dan Beerens sitting alongside and being present with others.

With a wealth of experience to draw upon, Dan avoids prescribing solutions but prompts others to reflect, respond, and reset a course. This is what a preeminent teacher does–lights a spark that ignites a fire. I wonder how many fires have started, innovations and wild ideas educators have sparked because of a conversation with Dan Beerens. Dan has shown me and many others the importance of having time for others, seeing others and inspiring them as they pursue God’s good work.

For every question, there is a question

Of the many conversations that I’ve had with Dan over the years, there is one that stands out as perhaps the most memorable. It was my very first conversation with him. As a new head of school, where enrollment had been more of a roller coaster than a steady climb, I whined to Dan, “It seems like I have to spend 20 hours with each family convincing them to enroll at our school. It’s a battle to close the deal, so to speak.”

Dan looked at me, stepped closer, and asked, “Did you think it was going to be easy? You’re doing God’s work. Was it easy for the disciples? Did they have obstacles as they shared the Gospel?”

“Dan avoids prescribing solutions but prompts others to reflect, respond, and reset a course.”

Jenn Thompson

Quite frankly, I think Dan was a little annoyed with me, but as I wrestled with those questions, I realized what I had in common with the disciples. We each wanted to introduce people to Jesus and celebrate who he is and what he’s done. Common laborers, so to speak.

Again, like a great teacher/coach, these intense questions serve a broader purpose than an immediate solution. The work of wading through challenges builds resilience and makes a leader stronger. Many who know Dan well agree that he challenges us to wrestle with our own questions instead of his answering them easily. It’s the thinking process that we are encouraged to take; through it, God reveals his plans and influences our decisions.

Digging deeper and moving forward

Dan uses this type of questioning as a habit of self-reflection, something I’ve learned from him over the years. Wrestling alongside friends and fellow educators led to the creation of Christian Deeper Learning (CDL). CDL was designed to bring together Christian educators who desire to engage students deeply in learning, help them discover who they are as image-bearers of God, and help them find their place in God’s story.

The mission of CDL is to promote teaching practices that invite and equip students to be people of God’s Story, engaged in real work that forms self and shapes the world. It’s this real work that really matters to Dan. He and his friends who began CDL, Krista Wallace and Steven Levy, shared earnestly and freely, modeling this type of engaging and deeply impactful learning.

This article talks about the roots and purpose of CDL, which has connected hundreds of educators. Carrying the CDL torch forward is a role that CSI is honored to do; children need to be fully engaged in understanding God’s story and their part in it. The gratitude for Christian Deeper Learning runs deep across the globe.

To call Dan a friend, advisor, and confidant is a significant part of my journey in Christian education. Many, many others would say the same. I am forever thankful for his humble and bold leadership.


  • Jennifer Thompson

    Jenn Thompson celebrates 25 years in Christian education, serving in various roles from basketball coach to Head of School at schools in Florida and California. She is currently the CEO of Christian Schools International. A native of Vermont, Jenn has an undergraduate degree in Sociology from Wheaton College and a MS in Educational Leadership from Florida International University. She also completed the Fellows program at the Van Lunen Center for Executive Management in Christian Schools at Calvin University and currently serves on the board of the Council for American Private Education (CAPE).

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