The theme for Converge 2025 is Faithfully Present, Courageously Good. This series invites leaders, thinkers, and practitioners to unpack this theme and consider its implications for our time together at Converge 2025.
Schools That Inspire: Inviting All Children To Come
The following story is how one principal sought to reimagine and challenge this dominant Christian school paradigm.
Nurturing the Trilogy: A Holistic Approach for Students with ADHD and Autism
In supporting students with ADHD and autism, we at Grace Space recognize the profound interconnectedness of body, mind, and soul.
Courageous Explorers Highlight Black Mathematicians
To support a shift in mindset about mathematics that helps students persevere, I have chosen Courageous Explorers as my Storyline.
Schools That Inspire: Ancient Markers, Shaping the Future
When we think about Christian schools operating faithfully, humbly, and courageously around our world, a cairn can be a powerful metaphor.
Sustainable Schooling in a Rapidly Changing World
Let’s examine three trends that are impacting many schools or have the potential to impact our schools sustainability.
Created to Create: Photography Through the Lens of Christ
Emily Schwarz, a second-year teacher at Sioux Falls Christian in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, leads the high school Photography class.
Schools That Inspire: An Urban Road Less Traveled
Hope Academy, an affordable, diverse, faith-based, classical school serving families in downtown Minneapolis, is doing things just a little differently.
Interruptions and Disruptions on the Path to Image-bearing
Season’s greetings from the Center for the Advancement of Christian Education (CACE)!
Cost of Leadership: 2023 Update
We were going to wait until 2024 to update this series to see how the pandemic may have impacted this data, but due to the number of Head of School searches happening this fall, we thought it might be helpful to both school leaders and boards to update our reporting now.