A great deal of research has been conducted on what makes great schools great, or at least effective schools effective. Through my own research, I have identified seven primary factors that enable schools to see improvement over time.
Schools That Inspire: A School of Hope in Asia
Nestled amidst the scenic landscapes, this school is more than an educational institution—it is a sanctuary of hope and transformation.
Back to the Basics: Reinforcing Worldview in Christian Schools
When at our best, we look to mission first and then to the required people, places, and programs. However, we are not always at our best. Sometimes, secondary matters take precedence, resulting in mission creep.
Embracing the Joy of Missing Out
There is good news that can motivate us toward digital well-being. People who are happiest with technology use it differently.
Tee Up: A Lesson About Christian Education from the Ryder Cup
You may wonder how a team golf event has any correlation to Christian Education. What could Christian school leaders learn from the Ryder and Solheim Cups?
Thinking About Governance: Policy That Matters
Good governance requires good policy. A Christian school that has good governance will, of necessity, have good policy. Failure in governance is often related to a policy failure.
Schools That Inspire: St. Matthew’s Church of England Primary School
My visit to St. Matthew’s left a profound impact on me. The school’s mission and values center on the flourishing of all children and staff.
Lessons Learned: A Retrospective on Four Decades of Christian School Leadership
Every situation has deepened my roots in the idiosyncratic call of Christian schooling. To what do I attribute this vocational stickiness? I offer these climbing holds.
Sustainable Schooling in a Rapidly Changing World
In this blog series, I look forward to sharing ideas from research I have done on schools of excellence. I will discuss pillars of excellence that every school must consider as they seek to grow in numbers, impact, and sustainability.
Welcome (back) to the Profession of Teaching!
Professionalism is something that is “caught as well as taught,” in my opinion. Your school’s professional identity formation process, whether stated or hidden, is activated this time of year.