As we enter a new school year, I’m excited to continue the Schools that Inspire series on our CACE blog.
Unleashing Deeper Thinking with Debate
The word “debate” is a loaded term these days, and it can be easy to shy away from incorporating debate in the classroom.
Schools that Inspire: The Kigali International Community School
Kigali International Community School (KICS) is located in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. Both the school and the city are beautiful.
Sustainable Schooling in a Rapidly Changing World
Over the past three posts in this series, I took a brief look at the recent growth of our schools, several foundational elements that ensure school sustainability, and present trends that impact the way we do our work. In this final installment, I will emphasize the amazing opportunity our schools have to impact our communities and the world.
Schools That Inspire: Ancient Markers, Shaping the Future
When we think about Christian schools operating faithfully, humbly, and courageously around our world, a cairn can be a powerful metaphor.
Created to Create: Photography Through the Lens of Christ
Emily Schwarz, a second-year teacher at Sioux Falls Christian in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, leads the high school Photography class.
Schools That Inspire: An Urban Road Less Traveled
Hope Academy, an affordable, diverse, faith-based, classical school serving families in downtown Minneapolis, is doing things just a little differently.
Schools That Inspire: Living Water in a Salty Swamp
Theresia’s school is about as far from civilization as you can get. When it comes to highlighting “schools that inspire,” this humble school offers the deep inspiration that comes from embodying the ideals of Christian education.
Sustainable Schooling in a Rapidly Changing World
In this blog series, I look forward to sharing ideas from research I have done on schools of excellence. I will discuss pillars of excellence that every school must consider as they seek to grow in numbers, impact, and sustainability.
Schools That Inspire: St. Augustine Preparatory Academy
These stories need to be shared, to offer hope for our profession, and contribute to the well-being of students and communities alike.