A COVID Opportunity

David UrbanThe CACE Roundtable3 Comments

COVID-19 has made 2020 a year few will forget. School administrators will remember the sudden shifts needed as the virus spread in March. Leaders and faculty worked together to deliver education virtually so that learning could continue. Later in the spring, plans unfolded for how to finish the school year–how to share final projects, celebrate seniors, and perform graduations. As the … Read More

Relationality, Mental Ill-health, and the Coronavirus

Richard EdlinThe CACE Roundtable1 Comment

Woman struggling with depression watches out window

Humans are divinely created as relational creatures, and when things like pandemic-induced and government-enforced social isolation interfere with that creational reality, our well-being and mental health suffer.

Richard Edlin shares his thoughts on how recognition of our relational nature might allow Christians to share hope with others.