Helping Children Grow – Are We Forming, Are We Informing, or Is It Both?

The Center for the Advancement of Christian EducationThe CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

I have several grandchildren who are in the early years of involvement in a number of different Christian schools. As I watch them develop through different experiences, challenges, and opportunities, I’m impacted again by the glorious privilege and honor we have as Christian parents and teachers to unpack the mysteries and wonder of God’s creation with our young ones. When we have … Read More

What is the Purpose of Education?

Tim Van SoelenThe CACE Roundtable1 Comment

As you enjoy reading this summer, I would like to recommend the book, Desiring the Kingdom by James K.A. Smith (2009), Baker Publishing: Grand Rapids, MI. I would venture a guess that every philosophy of education class, at one point during the semester, asks the question, “What is the purpose of education?” The answer to this question will reveal a … Read More