What’s precious? What’s worth keeping? What’s worthy but could be moved on or needs to be refreshed? And, what should we ditch? What things would I put in which category? You could also play this game. It’s an interesting exercise.
The Bible: A Living Part of the Christian School
Christians understand and use the Bible in many different ways. It’s important that, as a Christian school community, we have ‘strong and clear’ view of the importance and place of the Bible and a framework for understanding how to use the Bible. Otherwise, every approach and use might be ‘up for grabs,’ causing teacher and student confusion.
I Dream of a School
I dream of a school
• Where there’s strong sense of where it has come from and an expectation of a great future. • Where the vision is renewed in faith, hope and love.
• Where our passion and direction are embedded in reliance of the Holy Spirit.
Press 4 if You Want to Explode
In any ‘tango’ there will be issues. Kids get sick; homework doesn’t’ get done; bullying occurs; information gets stuck under the banana in the bag; information gets confused or doesn’t land in the right hands and so on. How do we handle that?
Taking Up the Mantle: Having Your Own Confidence
One of the dangers of sitting at the feet of a legend, however, is that you can develop feelings of inadequacy. You do not understand and discern complexity as well as them. You cannot express yourself with such poise. You feel you have so much more to learn before you should contribute.