My visit to St. Matthew’s left a profound impact on me. The school’s mission and values center on the flourishing of all children and staff.
Lessons Learned: A Retrospective on Four Decades of Christian School Leadership
Every situation has deepened my roots in the idiosyncratic call of Christian schooling. To what do I attribute this vocational stickiness? I offer these climbing holds.
Sustainable Schooling in a Rapidly Changing World
In this blog series, I look forward to sharing ideas from research I have done on schools of excellence. I will discuss pillars of excellence that every school must consider as they seek to grow in numbers, impact, and sustainability.
Welcome (back) to the Profession of Teaching!
Professionalism is something that is “caught as well as taught,” in my opinion. Your school’s professional identity formation process, whether stated or hidden, is activated this time of year.
Schools That Inspire: St. Augustine Preparatory Academy
These stories need to be shared, to offer hope for our profession, and contribute to the well-being of students and communities alike.
Above All Else: Love Expressed Through Hospitality
The power of hospitality is that it shows dignity to each and every person. It’s an acknowledgement that they are worth acknowledging.
The Role of AI in Enhancing Christian Education
We can explore how AI can enrich the educational process, embracing its potential while preserving the essence of relational learning.
Classroom as Gathering Place
Most good educators want their classrooms to go beyond ordinary: we want them to be extraordinary. Don’t we all want our classes to be memorable, impactful, rich with purpose and meaning?
Step Up Your Science Class Without Canceling That Beach Trip
Developing meaningful faith and science connections can feel like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Below are a few simple ways to invite students to think about how their faith intersects with science and the wider world.
What’s Missing from the School Choice Debate
Should Christian parents send their kids to public school? This topic has received considerable attention in light of The Gospel Coalition (TGC) debate.