By now most of us are back in full swing after the holiday break, navigating the COVID-19 terrain, settling back into our routine, and shifting our focus to the second half of our school year. Yet even with the break not long past, chances are that we have started the countdown to our next day(s) off. For many of us, … Read More
Grow Wide/Grow Together: Leadership Lessons from the Redwoods
One of our roles as Christian educators is to encourage and support each other, a role that requires an attentiveness and awareness of the needs of others. Understanding these needs often requires asking tough questions.
Rising Leaders’ Guide to Change and Innovation: Keeping a Kingdom Mindset
Is a Christian educator the same as an educator who is Christian? For that matter, does Christian education differ from education of or by Christians? Approaching education with a Kingdom mindset requires that the school and her leaders view all aspects of teaching, learning, culture, sports, and the arts through the lens of the grace and truth of Christ. All … Read More
What the World Needs Now: A Preview of Christian Deeper Learning Conference 4
This year’s Christian Deeper Learning Conference will be a two-part experience. The first is a Professional Deeper Learning Keynote/PD package for you or your school to download and self-facilitate sometime before part 2, a virtual gathering on February 19. One advantage to not meeting at a central location is that an entire staff can experience the deeper learning package right from their school at a time convenient for them. Real and lasting progress in deeper learning for all students is more likely to happen when whole schools are involved, rather than just a few enthusiasts.
Rising Leaders’ Guide to Change and Innovation: Earning the Right to Be Heard
When it comes to ministering to faculty, staff, students, and parents, we can’t give what we don’t have. We cannot expect to encourage others, stay patient, answer calmly, and use wisdom appropriately without consistently spending time in God’s Word, being connected at a Bible-believing church, and praying regularly over the school, faculty, and students.
Rising Leaders’ Guide to Change and Innovation: Leadership for the Long-Haul
When it comes to ministering to faculty, staff, students, and parents, we can’t give what we don’t have. We cannot expect to encourage others, stay patient, answer calmly, and use wisdom appropriately without consistently spending time in God’s Word, being connected at a Bible-believing church, and praying regularly over the school, faculty, and students.
Rising Leaders’ Guide to Change and Innovation: Creating Value
Having permission to drive your own advancement gives a gentle nudge to think beyond the current circumstances or one’s current position and reflect on the skills and abilities that God has given you. Once an honest self-assessment is completed, a person can consider how to apply these abilities to the challenges facing the school.
Rising Leaders’ Guide to Change and Innovation: Guiding the Throttle of Change (Part 2)
Effective change management requires that leaders throttle the rate of change for all stakeholders. Particularly during the recent pandemic, leaders have had to reduce or streamline long-term desired changes in order to make space for the changes necessary right now.
In the second part of “Guiding the Throttle of Change”, Ellen Barrett and Mark Dixon explain how you must slow down to go fast.
Nurturing the Caterpillar: Ten Characteristics of Young Learners
We wouldn’t feed the caterpillar the same food as the butterfly. Similarly, we shouldn’t assume young children learn the same way adults do. Recognizing the unique way that young learners engage and learn can shape the way we educate, and ultimately invite young children into God’s story.
Rising Leaders’ Guide to Change and Innovation: Guiding the Throttle of Change (Part 1)
We are living in a time of rapid and forced educational change. In our role as school leaders, our passion for our product is what prompts us to identify changes needed in our schools. However, leaders do not always reflect on the distinct process that healthy change requires, particularly when circumstances force expeditious change. School leaders are faced with this … Read More