The wisdom of crowds…

Tim Van SoelenThe CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

James Suroweicki wrote a fascinating and thought-provoking book with this title in 2005. He tells tales such as that of Sir Frances Galton, a man obsessed with the measurement of physical and mental qualities, statistics, and breeding. Galton decided to  put his obsessions to the test at a livestock fair in London in 1884.  A fat ox was selected and … Read More

Will and Wisdom

Dan BeerensInnovation, The CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

As I consider beginning to work with schools through CACE in both of the areas of improvement and innovation I think it is appropriate to start with the words will and wisdom. Over the years I have observed that effective change in schools is often simply a matter of having the will to do something. The leader must possess the … Read More