stella-ru / Pixabay
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29)
Jesus is offering us a blessed trade: we give him our weariness and our burdens and he gives us his rest. Jesus is diagnosing our condition too — the reason why we are so “weary and burdened.” Do you see it? It’s because we are so un-gentle and un-humble “in heart.” We have been trusting in force. We have been worshipping the idol of self. And those are never sufficient to sustain a life, so we become exhausted, like a swimmer trying to tread water hour after hour. This is the Gospel in two lines: “Come to me and learn from me.” We can’t learn unless we come; and coming is of little use if we don’t learn. Are you able to locate Jesus in your heart? Don’t look in the aggressive, egotistical places. Jesus is there, in gentleness and humility and wants those qualities to invade and take over more and more of your life. Jesus was changing the world forever from the cross, and he was the picture of gentleness and humility as he did it. Tortured, forsaken and crucified, he was at perfect rest. Will you come, learn and accept the offer of that Jesus?
Lord, I see that my exhaustion and frustration are my own fault. Thank you that you invite me to come. Thank you that you are willing to help me learn. May my whole life be at rest in you. Amen.