We are delighted to announce a new Fellow joining the work of CACE. Dr. Lynn Swaner brings a wealth of expertise and a deep commitment to excellent, Christian education.
Student Learning and Enrollment Gains: Christian Schools Flourished Through the Pandemic
As difficult as the past few years have been, Christian schools met the challenge, went above and beyond to serve their families, and continued to flourish.
Celebrate and Imagine #10: Flourishing Together in Community – Dr. Lynn Swaner
Dr. Lynn Swaner has done unprecedented and comprehensive research on flourishing in Christian education. In this speech, she made strong connections between the “Big Story” and student flourishing. She discovered three aspects of spiritual formation happening in Christian schools that highly correlated with Christian school alumni continuing to walk with God: community engagement, Christ-like teachers, and responsiveness to special needs. She gave encouraging examples of how she has seen these aspects practiced in our schools.
Seven MindShift Principles for Christian Education
MindShift: Catalyzing Change in Christian Education features insights from 17 authors on how Christian schools can provide a more deeply and authentically Christian education, reach our neighbors with Christ’s story of love and hope, and catalyze the growth of the Church and the Kingdom into the future. After its release, some of the authors worked together to develop seven principles for Christian educators. Which ones resonate in your experience?
Join the Parade of Nations
As I travel around the world, I see clear evidence that the epicenter of Christianity has been rapidly shifting. There has been explosive growth in the Christian faith in what is termed the Global South: Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This growth is now beginning to dwarf the bloc of Christians in Europe and North America. Philip Jenkins, in “The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity,” points out that if we extrapolate the data to the year 2025, which is not too far away, the predominance of Christianity will continue to grow in the Global South.