How do we foster healthy dialogue appropriate for little ones to seniors at a K-12 school? How do we partner with Christian parents to cultivate critical thinking while also respecting the spectrum of views?
Schools That Inspire: Ancient Markers, Shaping the Future
When we think about Christian schools operating faithfully, humbly, and courageously around our world, a cairn can be a powerful metaphor.
Is Christian Education ‘Worth It’?
Christian education is a formational experience. It is stated in most Christian schools’ missions to offer a Christ-centered education, a high standard for academic rigor, and a response to do kingdom work.
What Can Biblical Integration Look Like?
What we need to consider as we plan our lessons is whether or not our Biblical connections enhance our understanding and appreciation of the topic and deepen our awe and love for God. If not, what’s the point?
Rising Leaders’ Guide to Change and Innovation: Keeping a Kingdom Mindset
Is a Christian educator the same as an educator who is Christian? For that matter, does Christian education differ from education of or by Christians? Approaching education with a Kingdom mindset requires that the school and her leaders view all aspects of teaching, learning, culture, sports, and the arts through the lens of the grace and truth of Christ. All … Read More