What’s precious? What’s worth keeping? What’s worthy but could be moved on or needs to be refreshed? And, what should we ditch? What things would I put in which category? You could also play this game. It’s an interesting exercise.
See the Story, Live the Story
Much of my work with CACE involves Christian Deeper Learning in one form or another. I have had the opportunity to facilitate workshops with EL Education , Project Based Learning, Redemptive Education, and most recently, Teaching for Transformation (TfT). TfT teachers at Mt. Zion Christian School in Manchester, New Hampshire and New Covenant School in Arlington, Massachusetts wanted to complete … Read More
Difference Makers
This time of year I usually offer some recommendations for your summer reading. But this year, I hesitate. For starters, I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t feel like reading one professional book this summer. Most of you are tired and weary. To have survived this year is an accomplishment that you should either celebrate and/or forget like a bad … Read More
Confessions of an Armchair Teacher
I didn’t learn all the tech stuff you know because I didn’t have to. But you did, and I want to thank you. Not only have you served your students well: you have renewed my faith that we can rise to meet any challenge.
Beyond the Formal Curriculum
Of course you are intentional about developing a formal curriculum for your school, but what are your students—and the community—learning from your hidden curriculum?
Oh, the Places You’ll Go—A Better Hope Than Dr. Seuss This Graduation Season
Sometimes old truths told in a new way can awaken us to the ways we have become beholden to the worldliness of our culture. The siren song of expressive individualism is on surround sound for students in our schools, Christian or otherwise.
Instead of running for fame and success, Christian graduates of all ages are in a race of faith. In the New Testament, the apostle Paul names these five crowns as rewards of a faithful Christian life.
I Dream of a School
I dream of a school
• Where there’s strong sense of where it has come from and an expectation of a great future. • Where the vision is renewed in faith, hope and love.
• Where our passion and direction are embedded in reliance of the Holy Spirit.
Press 4 if You Want to Explode
In any ‘tango’ there will be issues. Kids get sick; homework doesn’t’ get done; bullying occurs; information gets stuck under the banana in the bag; information gets confused or doesn’t land in the right hands and so on. How do we handle that?
Converge 2022: Leading Courageously, Renewing Hope
A global pandemic, racial tension, political upheaval, economic devastation, culture clashes, severe weather—over the past year we have lived through these and other challenges, individually and corporately, in the Christian education community worldwide. Yet at the same time, we have witnessed the nimble responses of Christian schools, the care our school communities have provided for the sick and hurting, and … Read More
More Than (Test Score) Conquerors
As Cornelius Van Til (1979) wrote, “It is because we would have our children after us to believe this fact of the coming of the Son of God into the world to save the world, that we need the Christian school.” Christian education is essential because there is no other school sector that seeks to grow its students in the Christian faith and mold its students into the likeness of Christ.