Research has shown that the school-level factor that explains the most variation in students’ academic outcomes is a student’s teachers.
Welcome (back) to the Profession of Teaching!
Professionalism is something that is “caught as well as taught,” in my opinion. Your school’s professional identity formation process, whether stated or hidden, is activated this time of year.
Classroom as Gathering Place
Most good educators want their classrooms to go beyond ordinary: we want them to be extraordinary. Don’t we all want our classes to be memorable, impactful, rich with purpose and meaning?
Step Up Your Science Class Without Canceling That Beach Trip
Developing meaningful faith and science connections can feel like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Below are a few simple ways to invite students to think about how their faith intersects with science and the wider world.
Growing Our Own: Addressing the Teacher Shortage
How can we have a great teacher in every room? Growing our own. We need to look at local candidates and recruit members of our own communities.
Inviting Student Voice: Questions You Must Ask Students When Studying Animals
The animal kingdom reveals the extraordinary creativity of our Creator. Given the right assignment, students, too, are able to demonstrate incredible levels of creativity when reflecting on animals.
The Invitation to Learn
In my previous blog, “The Hook: What’s in a Name?” I promised to share some ideas about creating engaging invitations to learn. I’ve worked with many teachers designing deeper learning projects that invite students to do “real work for real people.” One challenge we always encounter is linking the service component of the project to the standards and skills that … Read More
The Importance of Being Attentive
We long to see our students have hearts that are tuned to, and turned toward, God. In our world of loud, conflicting, insistent, constantly streaming voices it takes purposeful intent and a good measure of self-discipline, on a personal level, to attend to what is needful and that which results in a flourishing life that bears good fruits. Author David … Read More
Going Deeper into Rooftop Perspectives
In my preceding blog post I wrote a review of Eric Reender’s compelling book, Rooftop Perspectives. In this post, Eric responds to several questions related to the book. What prompted you to write the book? Moving to China and teaching in a Christian school there was a big change. I was an experienced teacher but my experience was all in public … Read More
Rooftop Perspectives – A Big Picture View for Christian Educators
Part of the way through Eric Reender’s wonderful book, Rooftop Perspectives, a character states: “A story is not about answers, but making you think.” Reenders succeeds in doing this in his book by taking us into not one but two stories – using the technique of a story within a story, and of all things, set in China upon two … Read More