The Cardus Education Survey offers a rigorous and detailed analysis of graduate outcomes that had previously been lacking and setting a new standard for insights into how faith-based schooling shapes lives.
Schools That Inspire: Ancient Markers, Shaping the Future
When we think about Christian schools operating faithfully, humbly, and courageously around our world, a cairn can be a powerful metaphor.
Interruptions and Disruptions on the Path to Image-bearing
Season’s greetings from the Center for the Advancement of Christian Education (CACE)!
Schools That Inspire: Living Water in a Salty Swamp
Theresia’s school is about as far from civilization as you can get. When it comes to highlighting “schools that inspire,” this humble school offers the deep inspiration that comes from embodying the ideals of Christian education.
Sustainable Schooling in a Rapidly Changing World
In this blog series, I look forward to sharing ideas from research I have done on schools of excellence. I will discuss pillars of excellence that every school must consider as they seek to grow in numbers, impact, and sustainability.
Is Christian Education ‘Worth It’?
Christian education is a formational experience. It is stated in most Christian schools’ missions to offer a Christ-centered education, a high standard for academic rigor, and a response to do kingdom work.
Sabbath-keeping in Christian Schools
Communities in which members profess faith in God should affirm human dignity in part by prioritizing Sabbath rest. Along with our churches, Christian schools should be among the communities in which the freedom of Sabbath rest is proclaimed.
More Than Words: Evidence of Mission Accomplished
More and more families are considering Christian schools. However, they may not have a clear understanding of what a Christian school is. As an administrator, it is easy to show test scores indicating academic progress, but how do we know and show that faith is truly being developed in each child? Do we have evidence to show that all students are learning and growing in their faith?
More Than (Test Score) Conquerors
As Cornelius Van Til (1979) wrote, “It is because we would have our children after us to believe this fact of the coming of the Son of God into the world to save the world, that we need the Christian school.” Christian education is essential because there is no other school sector that seeks to grow its students in the Christian faith and mold its students into the likeness of Christ.
Introducing . . . The Practicing Faith Survey!
How do we know that faith is at work in our schools? How can we show the impact of Christian education in the faith practices of our students? These are the questions the Practicing Faith Survey seeks to address. PFS is a a self-administered online survey tool designed to help faith-based schools assess their impact on students’ faith formation.
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