Tailwinds and Headwinds in Christian Education

Mary ScottThe CACE Roundtable3 Comments

In aviation, business, and ministry headwinds can increase costs, require more energy, and lengthen the time it takes to reach your goals. Tailwind conditions, on the other hand, can propel your ministry and help move it forward more quickly than expected. Skills at navigating both tailwinds and headwinds are necessary in ministry. Applying these concepts to Christian education is the topic of this article.

Celebrate and Imagine #8: Schools Embodying a Transforming Vision: Missional, Dynamic, Deeper, and Global, 2010-Present (Part 1)

Dan BeerensCelebrate and Imagine, The CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

It is a risk to try new things, to move in new directions, to love that deeply. But we have reached a time in history where by not innovating we are running a greater risk than staying our current course.  Dan Beerens and Erik Ellefsen, MindShift: Catalyzing Change in Christian Education  Since the financial crisis of 2007-2008, Christian schooling in … Read More

Celebrate and Imagine #7: Interpreting, Fast and Slow: Faith, Love, and Hope for Christian Education  – Dr. Justin Bailey

Dan BeerensCelebrate and Imagine, The CACE Roundtable, Uncategorized3 Comments

In this talk, Dr. Justin Bailey suggests that the greatest contribution Christian education can make is to prepare students to become skilled interpreters of our world. Our job in Christian schools is to help students recognize that, while they inhabit a world tainted by sin, they can lead others toward faith, love, and hope through postures of curiosity, discernment, and presence.

More Than Words: Evidence of Mission Accomplished

Kent EzellThe CACE Roundtable2 Comments

More and more families are considering Christian schools. However, they may not have a clear understanding of what a Christian school is. As an administrator, it is easy to show test scores indicating academic progress, but how do we know and show that faith is truly being developed in each child? Do we have evidence to show that all students are learning and growing in their faith?

Celebrate and Imagine #5: Seeking a New Paradigm of Educating, 1990 to 2010 (Part 1)

Dan BeerensCelebrate and Imagine, The CACE Roundtable, UncategorizedLeave a Comment

The time period from the mid-1980s through approximately 2010 saw Calvinist/Reformed Christian educators further define and apply their approach to educating Christianly in response to a changing world. During these years, movement leaders sought to define both what being Reformed means and the essence of Calvinist/Reformed day school education.

Celebrate and Imagine #4: Ron Polinder–70 Years of Christian Education

Dan BeerensCelebrate and Imagine, The CACE Roundtable6 Comments

When I think of a Christian education leader who combines the best of prophet, priest, and king leadership, my mind turns to Ron Polinder. Formed by the routine and discipline of farm life and educated in K-18 Christian schools, Ron is someone whose life and career passionately reconciles his deep faith with his vocational practice. Along with many others, I … Read More

From God’s Genius to Human Frailty: The Adventure of Teaching Science (and More) Christianly

Mark WitwerFaith and Science, The CACE Roundtable1 Comment

From the very start of my career, I simply loved teaching. The fact that I was teaching in a Christian school was a plus, but as a rookie, I could not articulate a clear philosophy of Christian education.  By the time I retired from full-time teaching two years ago, I had come to love teaching Christianly. I describe teaching Christianly … Read More