Dear School Leader, As you get on the train or jet (choose your metaphor!) called school and get it rolling toward take-off, I would like to pose ten questions for consideration: 1. Will students and parents clearly see how passion, mission, people, and practice all come together at your school this year? Is what you are doing distinctively Christian? 2. … Read More
What Do We Deserve?
I recently read two articles that spurred my thinking on this “what do we deserve?” as it relates to Christian schools. I don’t want these sources to take responsibility for my thinking, but I do want to acknowledge them. Chad Dirkse, recently wrote a blog on the CACE website entitled, “But I’ve Earned the Right To…” It was a great reminder of … Read More
The Call of Cardus
Most Christian schools I know have similar elements in their mission statements. Usually there is a part about spiritual development – its Christian after all. There is also some acknowledgement about academics given that we’re talking about school. And then there is life or culture component, a nod to the impact of the school beyond graduation. These statements also contribute … Read More
Affordability & Christian School Choice
School choice is a popular conversation with Christian parents of school age children. A common element of discussion is often related to the parent’s views on mission as it relates to their involvement with the public school and the public square in general. It is interesting to see how this view of engagement can be influenced by or related to … Read More
Ed Policy Chaos: Why it Matters to Christian Schools
Introduction: Education policy in the United States has moved from a period of change into a time of chaos. The predominant policies and actions of the past fifty years have been turned on their head through federal government legislation, private money, and exceptions to nearly every pre-established rule. In a sense, we are exiting what I call the “Teacher Union … Read More
Teacher Evaluation from a Christian Perspective
What we believe about humans as image-bearers is made manifest in our professional development systems: if we say all people can learn, we should put in place systems of evaluation/professional growth processes that demonstrate that belief and promote growth.
The Problem with Teacher Evaluation Today
As a more than casual observer of the teacher evaluation and teacher professional growth scene over the last thirty years, I feel a deep sense of discouragement about this aspect of our profession. The current national situation in teacher evaluation seems to indicate that we are likely to repeat past mistakes. Why do we keep trying to quantify, rank, and … Read More
Incarnational Christian Education: More than Concepts, Objectives and Standards
In his recent CACE Blog, Dan Beerens effectively challenges educators to raise levels of student inquiry with well-crafted Essential Questions that engage students in active learning while encouraging a spirit of respect and humility. To illustrate the value of Essential Questions he points us to questions Jesus asked during his incarnational ministry on earth. Jesus’ question “who do you think I … Read More
Charter Schools: The False Choice (Part I)
“Charter schools are the devil,” I blurted out as I listened long enough to two friends talk about the new push for a Three Sector policy approach to educational change in the United States. After they got over their astonishment at my statement realizing it was another one of my strong opinions, they asked for explanation. At this point I … Read More
Essential Questions – Engaging and Mission Oriented
I have been working on Essential Questions with Christian schools for a number of years now. Asking questions is a gracious way to invite people into a conversation. Jesus used questions in many different ways, but in each it was a way to cause those being asked to move to a higher plane of reflection, engagement, and dialogue. Jesus’ questions … Read More