The old adage “if you build it, they will come” is often used to justify the creation of new and exciting diversity programs. However, in an environment where Christian families of color often have options when it comes to private education, the question to ask is not only “will they come?” but “will they stay?”.
Thinking About Mission Statements
Times of crisis and change often present organizations an opportunity to revisit their mission. Our current climate of pandemic and cultural conflict is just such a time. How ought our mission statement help us stay on mission and our mission drive our actions through these challenges?
Diversity in the Christian School: Cultivate a Diverse and Inclusive School Culture
As Christian schools, we should strive for both diversity and inclusion. Unfortunately, all too often we just work for assimilation, which can lead to suppression of culture.
Diversity in the Christian School: Are All Your Students Feeling Seen?
One wonders how often a student who sits in our classroom feels like the Samaritan woman—sitting on the outskirts, walking our halls unobserved, or saying nothing in class. Maybe one reason these students fly under the radar is because they don’t see people like them in the curriculum. The authors read, the stories covered, the individuals featured in our current texts are all important, but how often do they reflect the culture of our students or the diversity God created in students of our respective countries?
Diversity in the Christian School: A Cultural Examen of the School Handbook
We understand that dress codes are supposed to inspire uniformity. But for black students, uniformity too often translates to conformity, to whiteness.
How Hospitable Are You? The Critical Importance of the Campus Visit
I don’t know about you, but one of the things I have missed most since the beginning of the pandemic is the opportunity to gather with friends. This past weekend, we were able to have a few couples over to our back porch where we could share hors d’oeuvres while maintaining social distancing protocols. My wife and I worked to … Read More
Diversity in the Christian School: Creating Inclusive Chapels
We want to be a community that glorifies God at our school and beyond by the way we interact with diverse people and ideas. Chapel is a great time to celebrate as a corporate body the contributions that varied cultures have made to our country and community.
Diversity in the Christian School: The Need for Emotional and Social Learning
During this time of diversity discussions and activism, social and emotional skills are needed more than ever. These hard conversations require the capacity to listen well, to feel and express compassion, to speak with authenticity, to confess and forgive, and to imagine ways forward.
Lessons for Teachers From the Sons of Sceva
All the best methods, procedures, techniques, and curriculum won’t make the difference in your classroom if you don’t have love for your students and an desire to connect them with the material.