Diversity in the Christian School: Retention Is About the Environment You Create

Kenneth M. Chapman, Jr.Diversity in the Christian School, The CACE Roundtable3 Comments

Christian School Environment

The old adage “if you build it, they will come” is often used to justify the creation of new and exciting diversity programs. However, in an environment where Christian families of color often have options when it comes to private education, the question to ask is not only “will they come?” but “will they stay?”.

Thinking About Mission Statements

Paul NealThe CACE Roundtable1 Comment

Mission Statement sign outside of a Christian School Building

Times of crisis and change often present organizations an opportunity to revisit their mission. Our current climate of pandemic and cultural conflict is just such a time. How ought our mission statement help us stay on mission and our mission drive our actions through these challenges?

Diversity in the Christian School: Are All Your Students Feeling Seen?

Cynthia A. de LeónDiversity in the Christian School, The CACE Roundtable7 Comments

One wonders how often a student who sits in our classroom feels like the Samaritan woman—sitting on the outskirts, walking our halls unobserved, or saying nothing in class. Maybe one reason these students fly under the radar is because they don’t see people like them in the curriculum. The authors read, the stories covered, the individuals featured in our current texts are all important, but how often do they reflect the culture of our students or the diversity God created in students of our respective countries?