For Christian Education?

The Center for the Advancement of Christian EducationThe CACE Roundtable2 Comments

When we say we are for something, what does that mean? When we say we want something, what does that look like? I have been involved with Christian education now for almost 20 years professionally. As a graduate student, I chose Christian education and as a parent, I have chosen it as well. When we say we are pro-Christian education, I think a question that needs to be asked is what does that mean?

Navigating the Ed Policy Storms: Are you Connected?

Erik EllefsenThe CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

Pulling a good network together takes effort, sincerity, and time.  – Alan Collins Over the past few months, I proposed that each Christian school leader must answer the following questions about their institution in order to navigate a way through the current turbulence in education policy: Why does your school exist? (Part I) What makes your school distinct? (Part II) How … Read More

Do You Inspire Your Timothy?

The Center for the Advancement of Christian EducationInnovationLeave a Comment

On a warm, autumnal afternoon shortly after the start of the school year, a group of ten students came to me and asked, “Dr. Chen, can we scale up the impact of our work?”  They were referring to the work they had done through the Trinity Institute for Leadership and Social Justice at our school. This enthusiastic group of juniors … Read More

Being Biblical in our View of Leadership

Paul NealThe CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

Anyone that is familiar with marketing messages of Christian schools can attest to the fact that leadership is high on the list of promised deliverables. In fact, developing leaders, probably more than any other objective, is nearly universally promised. While there are some good opportunities to talk about the challenges associated with what are, at times, wildly optimistic promises, I … Read More

Do You Believe in Your Timothy?

The Center for the Advancement of Christian EducationInnovationLeave a Comment

“So, you think you can TED?,” asked Toni.  He was not asking if I would have something worthwhile to say on the TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) stage.  He was asking for my feedback on his novel concept: a TED style meeting of “So You Think You Can Dance?”  To be honest, I had my doubts.  Did he have clarity … Read More

Navigating the Ed Policy Storms: Measure Success

Erik EllefsenThe CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, then do your best. – W. Edward Deming A few months ago, I proposed that each Christian school and Christian school leader must answer the following questions about their institution in order to navigate a way through these turbulent times in education policy: Why does your school … Read More

Effective Christian Leadership: God Has A Plan

The Center for the Advancement of Christian EducationDevotional4 Comments

The work of leadership is hard, and it is not for the faint-hearted.  There are decisions to be made, problems to be addressed, challenges to be solved, tensions to be managed, conflicts to be resolved, tasks to be managed, and numerous other responsibilities that ultimately have an impact on many people.  And add to that the work of leading and … Read More

The Disintegration of Faith and Learning, Part 1

The Center for the Advancement of Christian EducationInnovationLeave a Comment

In 1996, I was a young pastor tasked with the mission of adult ministry and discipleship at a medium sized church in the western suburbs of Chicago. As a graduate of a premier bible school and a product of growing up in the church since my infancy, it was shocking to me to recognize the truth that I was ill … Read More

Who Are We Trying To Reach?

Paul NealSchool Leaders, The CACE RoundtableLeave a Comment

I recently worked with a school that was in the process of uncovering key factors in school choice for their current school families.  At the same time, they were exploring key drivers that target families when making decisions about school.  My research, in addition to normative research from around the country, indicates that most Christian school parents use academic quality … Read More