This year’s Christian Deeper Learning Conference will be a two-part experience. The first is a Professional Deeper Learning Keynote/PD package for you or your school to download and self-facilitate sometime before part 2, a virtual gathering on February 19. One advantage to not meeting at a central location is that an entire staff can experience the deeper learning package right from their school at a time convenient for them. Real and lasting progress in deeper learning for all students is more likely to happen when whole schools are involved, rather than just a few enthusiasts.
Nurturing the Caterpillar: Ten Characteristics of Young Learners
We wouldn’t feed the caterpillar the same food as the butterfly. Similarly, we shouldn’t assume young children learn the same way adults do. Recognizing the unique way that young learners engage and learn can shape the way we educate, and ultimately invite young children into God’s story.
DEEP CONSISTENCIES: Five Essential Steps to Christian Deeper Learning
We hope that you enjoyed our series, The Many Roads to Christian Deeper Learning. We are inspired by the variety of partnerships Christian schools have developed to support their mission. Though we featured six approaches, we are aware that additional models are used by faith-based schools to engage students in kingdom life. We also recognize that some Christian schools have … Read More
The Many Roads to Christian Deeper Learning: Teaching for Transformation
TfT begins with the premise that all things in the world belong to God, and that as schools, we want to help students see God’s grand story in every subject they study. Every unit and lesson must be seen as sacred–a divine opportunity for the student to enter into a deeper relationship with their God.
The Many Roads to Christian Deeper Learning: Center for Redemptive Education
Biblical, Relational, Integral and Experiential: these are the core tenets of Redemptive Education, which is one of the six pathways to Christian Deeper Learning at which are looking.
Lessons for Teachers From the Sons of Sceva
All the best methods, procedures, techniques, and curriculum won’t make the difference in your classroom if you don’t have love for your students and an desire to connect them with the material.
The Many Roads to Christian Deeper Learning: The EL Education Model
EL Education is one of the paths to Christian Deeper Learning. The mission of EL Education is to create classrooms where teachers can fulfill their highest aspirations, and where students achieve more than they think possible, becoming active contributors to building a better world.
The Many Roads to Christian Deeper Learning: An Introduction
As educators have learned about needed student outcomes for work and life, insights on how students learn, standards reform, personal digital technology, authentic work, etc., they have grappled with how to translate this knowledge into workable teaching and learning models. A number of models and networks arose, and commonalities were recognized among the goals of the various groups.
In this series, we’ll take a look at the various models of Christian Deeper Learning.
Lessons from a Taxi Driver
A taxi ride to the airport turned into an intuitive discovery for understanding the process of professional development. If you are an experienced teacher, you understand that when students walk into your classroom, you never really know what you are going to get, and that, “the success of our teaching depends on those moment-by-moment decisions as much as any lesson or project plan.”
How to Use a Textbook for Deeper Learning: A lesson for our times
I always used textbooks in my classes … but never how they were intended. They were valuable for me, as the teacher, to identify the important ideas in whatever subject I was teaching. We didn’t have state standards then, so I relied on the wisdom of the experts to break big topics (Ancient History, Simple Machines, Colonial Life, Force and … Read More