In March we asked you to share the best interview questions you use when hiring teachers. The results are in, and the top answers have been compiled below!
“If your students were asked, ‘Do you remember Miss DeJong?’ at a reunion some years hence, what would you like them to say about you?”
“Is there a question for which you’ve prepared a great answer that I’ve not asked about?”
–Ben Harsvoort, Principal, Heritage Christian School
“What did the Gospel mean to you when you came to Christ, and what does it mean to you every day?”
–William George, Head of School, Asheville Christian Academy
“As you begin planning a unit to teach, what questions would you be asking as you plan the unit? (Walk me through your planning process.) At the end of your year of teaching (Third) Grade, how will you know if you were successful as a third grade teacher?”
–Steve Groen, Principal, Calvin Christian School
Our April Newsletter includes a new question: “What tools do you use for teacher supervision?” We’d love to hear your feedback, and will share with you our best responses and resources! If you’d like to receive the CACE Newsletter you can sign up here, or continue the conversation on hiring in the comments below.