One of the thorny issues in scheduling generally is how much, and whether, to give students any time to transition between classes. There has been generally a move to focus more and more on the amount of teaching time given over the course of the year and so every second seems to have become precious.
Design a Dual Credit Program that Works
Administrators, students, and parents can easily get caught up in dual credit opportunities without prioritizing their value in a Christian education. I believe in the mission of Christian education and its eternal impact on students’ lives. The dual credit choices you make for your school must support that mission.
Reflecting on 2020, Working Toward Better in 2021
Through our strategic planning, data analysis, professional learning groups, and blog posts, CACE supported Christian school leaders through the challenges of 2020. The most read blogs from last year focused on three themes: COVID response, improving teaching and learning, and diversity.
Rising Leaders’ Guide to Change and Innovation: Keeping a Kingdom Mindset
Is a Christian educator the same as an educator who is Christian? For that matter, does Christian education differ from education of or by Christians? Approaching education with a Kingdom mindset requires that the school and her leaders view all aspects of teaching, learning, culture, sports, and the arts through the lens of the grace and truth of Christ. All … Read More
Nurturing the Caterpillar: Ten Characteristics of Young Learners
We wouldn’t feed the caterpillar the same food as the butterfly. Similarly, we shouldn’t assume young children learn the same way adults do. Recognizing the unique way that young learners engage and learn can shape the way we educate, and ultimately invite young children into God’s story.
DEEP CONSISTENCIES: Five Essential Steps to Christian Deeper Learning
We hope that you enjoyed our series, The Many Roads to Christian Deeper Learning. We are inspired by the variety of partnerships Christian schools have developed to support their mission. Though we featured six approaches, we are aware that additional models are used by faith-based schools to engage students in kingdom life. We also recognize that some Christian schools have … Read More
Rising Leaders’ Guide to Change and Innovation: Lead from the Cutting Edge
What makes technology unique is that it intimidates some school leaders who believe themselves to be incompetent, are afraid to vulnerably learn, and prefer to leave this instruction in the hands of the technology expert. But this year proved that if leaders are going to lead, they need to understand their school’s technology and its capabilities.
Christian Schools Doing Things Right During the Pandemic
Schools are often attacked and maligned for not doing the right thing. During this 2020 pandemic, the public has often seen things schools could have done better. But there is a group of Christian schools that have done many things right.
Rising Leaders’ Guide to Change and Innovation: Challenges to Tradition
Schools take great risks when they quash innovation. To go nowhere is to go backwards. Though the desire to protect a school’s tradition and fear of the unknown are common, they can prevent good changes, as well as stifle growth and improvement.
Words and Walls
Do we want diverse and inclusive schools? Absolutely. All of us who teach, lead, or chose faith-based schools for our children have good work to do in this space. Getting there is going to be a long process. It is challenging to do difficult work in a society obsessed with the immediate. Let us not grow weary.